Happy Eidul Adha everybody... The celebration of honouring the virtue of sacrifice and pilgrims making the hajj just highlights even more of this cherish month.. Looking back at the history of tomorrow links closely with my name.. as the prophet Ismail a.s was due to be sacrificed by beloved father prophet Ibrahim a.s that does not question his orders from Allah s.w.t
Along the way, look into our lives and journey till this time of what sacrifice have we endured for the betterment of others if not for ourselves. The degree of this sacrifice and the effect it has shall be varied and personal to each and every one of us. Just yesterday, we were shocked and saddened by the landslide that claims several victims and unhouse several thousands from their comfort of their homes, with the flood still badly affected some areas in Kelantan and terengganu, we just pray and hope that all the people affected be strong in this enduring times. Sacrifice shall be made at any junction in order to elevate the positives in most scenes and hopefully those sacrifices are made by the purest of hearts and intentions...
Here we are as a family in Serdang celebrating this Eidul Adha with open hearts and humility, praying that our parents that are now performing their hajj in Makkah are well in health and can perform everything smoothly, praying that our newborn due anytime this month delivered without any complications and with ease especially to the mother who have endured for the past nine months with patience and love..
Happy Eidul Adha everybody.. No pain no gain.. You have to forgo something before getting something else..