This week is a celebration for International Babywearing Week 2010 from October 6-12.
The theme is Safe Babywearing. Enjoy the Benefits.
How to join:
1. Post your contest entry in your blog under the title “MBW -International Babywearing Week 2010 Give Away”. -done
2. Attach the MBW walk picture. -done
2. Be a follower for Malaysian Babywearers blog at http://malaysianbabywearers.blogspot.com. -done
3. Be a fan at Malaysian Babywearers Facebook Page. -done
4. Put the MBW logo at your side banner and link back to us at http://malaysianbabywearers.org . -done
5. Put the IBW 2010 logo at your side banner and link back to http://www.babywearingweek.org . -done
6. Leave a comment in this blog post with your name and the URL link to your contest entry in your blog. -done
7. Last day for submission of contest entry is 7th November 2010
a) Babywearing An Older Child (1 year old and above)
Inas is 22mths old in KP yellow flower